Having invited several Masters & Instructors from other disciplines to his own school and seeing the many benefits of having tuition from a wide variety of scources himself, several years ago, Master John started teaching seminars to other martial arts schools throught the UK and beyond. These seminars are ideal for self-defence, tournaments and demonstrations and help to retain students.
He has taught traditional staff and fan techniques at GM Jeff Everett's School in Pennsylvania (along with his assistant instructor, 4th Dahn, SBN Angela Prince) and at the Meeting of Grandmasters held  in Sault Ste Marie Canada he taught "come along" or restraint techniques to instructors and students of many different disciplines.

Since then he has taught at the annual NKMAA summer camp on many ocasions, sharing the bill with Grandmasters and masters from around the world. He has also taught at many other martial arts schools in the USA and the UK.

Over the past few years he has developed his unique "Weaponsmaster" programmes which provide for one-off seminars and longer training programmes for instructors who wish to expand their syllabus.
Master John holds 5th dahn (master level) ranks in both Kuk Sool Hapkido and the very tough art of Kong Shin Bup. PSBN Angela holds 4th dahn rank. In fact, along with some of their students, they are, at present the ONLY dahn ranked practitioners of Kong Shin Bup outside of the North American continent. Therefore, what they have to offer is not available from anyone else in the UK.
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So if you feel that you would like to spice things up a bit for your students or learn new skills that could improve the effectiveness of what they already know,

Or scroll down for further information...

Middle Staff

The "Middle Staff" (usually an inch or two shorter than the student) is a very versatile weapon. Master John Teaches staff basics (spinning, striking and blocking) forms (patterns) self defence techniques and very popular staff sparring sessions.
These are ideal as an addition to your current syllabus, or to use as an extra tournament or demonstration piece to promote your school. 
Indeed the staff really deserves a seminar on its own. And the best thing is, that should your students become enthusiastic about this weapon after their seminar, it is very cheap to buy too!

Short Staff

The Short staff is one of the most versatile weapons available to students and comes in many guises. Master John teaches short staff basics, striking and blocking a number of different short staff forms as well as a myriad of effective (and painful) self defence techniques.

"Mini Staff"

The "Mini Staff" (also known as a Kubotan in some arts) is a very useful and practical weapon which can be carried with you at virtually any time.

Cane or walking stick

Not just for the older student! The cane or walking stick may be used in a similar way to a nightstick, but the hook adds an extra dimension and many extra possibiolities for striking and techniques. Like the mini staff it can be taken with you on many occasions and is one of the few weapons that may be carried onto a plane without query!

Defence against weapons

As well as the use of traditional and unconventional weapons, master John also teaches defence AGAINST weapons as part of his seminars. 
Unfortunately, these days we need to be very aware of the possibility that an assailant may have a weapon. Obviously the best course of action is to get away but this is not always possible. KS Hapkido weapons defences could prove to be a lifesaving asset to your students.

Roping Techniques

A very useful seminar topic are the roping techniques which master John can teach you and your students. These add something very different to your repertoire and can add to your students enjoyment of classes immensely. In addition they are great used as part of a self-defence demonstration whether it be to publicise your club or use in tournaments. It is highly unlikely that anyone else wil be doing the same thing as you, if you include these!

Unusual weapons

Among the more unusual weapons that may be taught are the "Juhl Bong" (rope staff). This is basically a short staff with a rope attached which often loops around the wrist of the practitioner. It increase reach and power as compared to a simple short stick, and also lends itself to a huge variety self-defence techniques. Students may learn both forms and techniques for this weapon.

And, of course the Korean Fan! This innocuous looking weapon was actually deadly in the hands of the female bodyguards. The semingly decorative fan concealed sharp blades for cutting, hard edges for striking and was also used as a distration tool. Again, forms and technqiues for this traditional wapon may be included in your seminar.

Swords long and short..

Among the traditional Royal Court weapons of Korea are, of course the long and short swords. Female students will be pleased to hear that the short sword is traditionally a "ladies weapon" as the Royal Court bodyguards were usually female. However, we do teach the weapons to both sexes these days. Swords may not be all that practical.but they ARE fun for your students to learn!
They could learn straight and reverse long sword forms, double long and short sword forms and even sword sparring!

Would YOUR students enjoy any of this?...Click here for contact details!


Non-Traditional weapons

As well as teaching traditional weapons, master John is adept at translating these skills into the use of everyday items for self defence. these could be, long or short umbrellas, ties and scarves, pens, mobile phones, even plastic carrier bags or your favourite magazine.

You may feel that you want to stick to a sinlge weapon for your seminar so that you can get into detail. Or you may prefer to mix it up a little and include more than one.  
In truth there is just too much to write about here. The  best way is to consider what you students may enjoy learning as well as what they may benefit from the most. Then give Master John a call to discuss what you would like to have him teach and of course what dates are suitable for you.

The venue is up to you. It can be a church hall, a sports centre your own facility or even outside on the beach! If you are close enough you may wish to consider bringing your students to Master John's own facility in Morecambe near Lancaster, just off the M6 at J34.
He will consider travelling to anywhere within two hours of Lancaster for an evening seminar and anywhere in the UK mainland for a weekend session. 
If you are interested then get in touch now as he only has a limited number of seminar dates available each year. Click here for contact details....